Touhou urban legend in limbo ps4
Touhou urban legend in limbo ps4

touhou urban legend in limbo ps4

There’s a spell bar which fills up and lets you use your spell card, and a change-up in health which shows you how much you heal yourself when applicable.

touhou urban legend in limbo ps4

Other than that though, it’s all just about the fighting for the most part. The Occult Orbs also caused on-field effects when they appeared, in a manner identical to the weather of SWR and Soku. Getting an Occult Orb allowed you to use your Urban Legend, and collecting four of them gave you the chance to unleash your Last Word. They appeared gradually over the course of a battle and you had to outdo your opponent in hitting them to acquire them – the one with the most hits on it in 10 seconds gets it (if it gets hit equally by both fighters, neither gets it). The biggest factor was the Occult Orbs, central to the gameplay and plot. Not only were the new mechanics much less definitive, they were clearly a lot simpler to understand. Chiefly, getting rid of popularity was one great big plus that no longer had to worry us again. That was already a strong enough start, but with a new game came all new mechanics and this lot seemed better than what HM had. The concept was the same as HM, but ULiL sought to fix the jerkiness of its predecessor’s fighting, first of all. There, Urban Legend of Limbo was released.


After a trial version was released at Comiket 87, the full game was released at the traditional time for a fighting game – Reitaisai 12.

touhou urban legend in limbo ps4

This was the second incarnation of the current fighting game era and a chance to redeem itself after the shitshow that was Hopeless Masquerade. A month later, he confirmed its identity, and it was, yes, you guessed it, yet another side game. ZUN released a teaser to his next Touhou game in November 2014, at Digital Game Expo.

Touhou urban legend in limbo ps4